.. living every day ...

every day of life .. is full of life .. lets see .. how many such days i can live up to :) !!

Monday, April 24, 2006

for a Cause

Coming into the United States, one thing I could not miss is the fast paced lifestyle. The weekdays rush by and the weekend fly past before you notice. It is such a task to take time out for self, pamper self with some quality time. In such a set up, there are volunteers, mostly students, who also need to schedule their tasks, deadlines and other commitments like everyone else. But in doing so, they make sure to spare some regular time to think about others, those not as privileged as themselves. Such groups are always looking outwards to get support, to spread awareness and to ignite useful discussions and debates, but are never shy of giving their ‘twenty cents’ for a cause. And I believe that our Bloomington campus is the best place for these groups, with broad-minded people and an open community in general.

Some such groups that I am aware of are …. Association for India’s Development (AID) is the one that I am involved with and can talk more about. AID is a volunteer movement that supports grassroots organizations in India and strives for improvement in spheres like education, livelihoods, natural resources, health, women's empowerment and social justice. Bloomington is home to one of the 36 AID chapters in US with a number of enthusiastic volunteer members. Documentary series, cultural events and awareness campaigns are used to highlight the issues in India which can be generalized to many developing nations. Volunteering for ticketing and ushering in the local basketball and football games brings in the majority of funds which are used to sponsor projects in India. Fun ways of raising money like potluck dinners and festival celebrations are also useful in creating awareness and raising funds.

Some useful links -> www.aidindia.org , http://www.indiana.edu/~aid/


At 09:16, Blogger Ankit said...

nice to see tht u guys are working for some real cause and contributing to the society..keep it up.

At 16:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »


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