.. living every day ...

every day of life .. is full of life .. lets see .. how many such days i can live up to :) !!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

~~~ cloudy sunshine ~~~

as the clouds shadow me
i wait for them to pass
but i am so used to clouds
i wish they could stay
i expect the clouds
to keep the sun away
but also hope
it does not rain some day

why doesnt the cloud understand
its purpose is to gaurd from the sun
and why dont i understand
a cloud can rain any day .. any day

its sunny and bright
and i love the sunshine
if i stare too long
my eyes brim up
as if drinking wine
o sunshine o sunshine
stay ... stay
but cant it happen
the way i say !!!!!


At 00:58, Blogger Madhuri Shinde said...

We all expect but it's better to accept...U write well.


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